On the 23rd of Chaitra 2075, NAMI COLLEGE, Jorpati, had conducted a free health camp along with psychosocial camp to the individual and families affected by Tornado in the Fatuwa Parsauni V.D.C at Bara district on the coordination with Quick Volunteers. Total of 183 people in this village is directly benefited from the OPD Service. Along with this, free medicines were provided as per prescription. After the completion of the health camp, essential medicines were handed over to the in charge of FUTUWA HEALTH POST, which will be useful for the treatment of those affected by Tornado. Clothes were handed for the QUICK Volunteers to distribute for the affected persons. They successfully hand over all the clothes to the needy people on 25th Chaitra. 

NAMI college likes to thanks all the volunteers for there great work and support.

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