NAMI stands for Equality

NAMI stands for Equality

Today is the first day of the the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence. This years theme is “Time to Speak Up ! Stand Against Rape” 

To contribute and express solidarity  “Breaking the Silence” is the key. Therefore I urge everyone to speak out about ending all forms of sexual abuse and rape. I particularly urge the youth and men and boys who can play such an important role in promoting gender equality within their families, at work, at educational institutions and in their social circles to speak up and stand against rape! 

When a woman or girl is the victim of sexual violence, she is first of all silenced by her family members and associates. The stigma of rape is often enough to keep the victim from reporting the crime. This culture of silence and the fact that survivors are often too frightened to fight back encourage the perpetrators and flourishes the culture of rape.

On the international day on elimination of violence against women and girls let  us all stand in solidarity with the survivors of sexual violence and rape. The youth should be the voice of those who have been silenced by this crime, and to take action against such atrocity. 

Don’t be a bystander and silent spectator. It’s time to Speak out ! Join hands! Amplify your voices. 

Together we can change perceptions and end all forms of sexual abuse including rape! 

Bandana Rana 

Vice Chair 

UN CEDAW Committee

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