News & Events

Project Nyano

Project Nyano is a campaign the NAMI Social Welfare club has started with an aim to help the people affected by the extreme cold this winter, especially to the victims of the recent earthquakes.

Guest Lecture on 2nd June 2015 by Dr. Toyohiro Watanabe

Prof. Toyohiro Watanabe to talk about his experience and the positive change he is able to bring in a Japanese community.

UN Academic Team at NAMI

UN Academic Team visit to improve the quality of education at NAMI.

3rd Annual General Meeting

यस नयाँ आयाम मल्टी डिसिप्लिनरी इन्ष्टिच्युट लिमिटेडको मिति २०७१ साल पौष ९ गते बसेको संचालक समितिको निर्णयानुसार t]स्रो वार्षिक साधारण सभा देहायको मिति, स्थान र समयमा निम्न विषय उपर छलफल गरी निर्णय गर्न बस्ने भएको हुदा कम्पनी ऐन २०६३ को दफा ६७ अनुसार सम्पूर्ण शेयरधनी महानुभावहरुको उपस्थितिको लागि यो सूचना प्रकाशित गरिएको छ ।

NAMI has arrived...

Press Coverage of 1st NAMI Interschool Basketball Tournament!

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